Sunday, February 14, 2010

Time flies...

So much has happened in the last two years since I have updated this blog.
1. Brody is in Kindergarten and Aiden started Preschool this year.
2. Aiden is in love with Grace Naberhaus but has many other girlfriends.
3. Brody is in love with a little girl he met while we were camping in Storm Lake. (Kallie)
4. We bought a camper.
5. I got a new job working at the elementary school in town.
6. Jeremy and I have been married for 7 years. (8-24-2002) and met 10 years ago.
7. I have two new nieces (Lylah Wessels and Camdyn Rye) and one on the way.
8. I am finally winning the battle with weight...slowly.
9. This winter has been the worst winter I can ever remember...we have missed so much school.
10. I am finally decluttering my house and throwing things away. That is hard to do!
11. We have a new nephew (Mason Deitering) but he is not so new...almost 2.
12. We went on vacation to Washington, DC and Virginia Beach, Virginia.
13. We have made a few trips to Kansas to see my new brother-in-law who moved my sister and niece there to be in the army.
14. We took a trip to Georgia for Jeremy's cousins wedding...the 1st plane ride for the boys.
15. We lost a dog (Dakota) and gave our other dog (Maggie) to my dad who has a farm so she can run.
16. We became owners of fish thanks to a friend (Steph) who gave Brody a goldfish for his birthday. Many have come and gone down the stool.
17. We became god-parents to Lylah Marie Wessels.
There is so much more that happened but I cannot remember it all in one sitting. Later~

Time flies...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So neglected...

I feel like I have been so bad at keeping up with this blog...but life has taken over and raising two boys, a husband, and a house...don't forget the job! I am so tired...I need a relaxing Hawaiian vacation alone!
I also started a scrapping and stamping blog....check it out...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stampin Up......I am so excited

I am so excited to become a Stampin Up demonstrator....more on this later!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Where has the month gone?

So it is only January 23rd....WHAT? It is ALREADY January 23rd. Where did this month go? I am planning a Crop for the March of Dimes on March 1st and I have so much to do to prepare for it. Man I need to get into gear!!!! Anyways, I have gotten some REAL scrapbooking done. I went to my retreat and got over 20 pages down and have gotten a few done here at home (probably around 15 more). Plus I am working on getting some done without having pictures....Thanks to my sister who has been taking a Closet to Runway class on Sundays!!!! I think I have my newest favorite LO but now I need to find the perfect picture for it is!!!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Holiday Overload!!!

So I finally have time to sit down and type out something but I should be either sleeping or sorting through scrap paper. Last night or should I say this morning, we got a call that our friends needed us to take their girls because they were going to the hospital to have the baby. So less than 2 hours after they dropped off the kids they called to tell us they had another girl!!!! We are so excited for them. But back to the holidays....
I am so glad and sad to see them pass. I wished I had more time with my family but also need things to get back to normal. The kids have been coming off the holiday rush (kind of like a sugar high) and it has not been fun at all. Thank goodness I am going away this weekend on my first ever Scrapbooking Retreat. But I am also worried because Aiden has been getting sick and I hate to leave him. I am sure everything will be okay and I am not going to be too far away.
We had a nice visit with my family over the Christmas break and we got to celebrate my niece's 1st birthday also. My sisters and I went to a crop and it was nice to hang out with them with no kids or husbands around. We also scrapped at my sisters house one night and Jeremy even got in on it...sitting at my sisters Cricut cutting dinosaurs with the Paperdolls cartridge. I have pictures to PROVE IT!!!! But all in all....we had a great time. No arguing...well not too much, plenty to eat, and fun times.!!!
But I sure am glad that the holidays have passed and now I will patiently wait for the cold weather to leave....well maybe not patiently but I will have to wait or move!!! HA

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sick Baby in the House and almost out of time?

Here is the sick baby in my house...he has an infection that worked its way into his eyes, throat, and nose. We are now on eye drops and an NEW antibiotic....which both seem to be helping! He is back to destroying my house and not napping...which I really need right now. So nothing is getting done in my house at this point. Christmas is just around the corner and I had all these grand plans but I don't feel up to any of them. Besides we might have the flu going around here so I HOPE that we don't and we can go on with our plans for Christmas without anymore illnesses.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Laundry, Scrappin', and more!!!

So I got almost all my laundry done but had to stop for baths and showers and then I got lazy or needed a break. So today I did the rest!!! Well except some blankets that need to be washed sometime soon. My goal is to have NO laundry waiting for me when we get back from Christmas vacation. I also go the boys bag packed for our vacation!!! Bathroom and entryways cleaned, kids made candies but we forgot our haircut appointments...I feel so bad:( But on Sunday or we like to call it "Donut Day" (because Jeremy takes the boys to get donuts and they go to the shop) I was home all morning ALONE:) So I got some scrappin' projects done. Made some Christmas gifts and played around with some things. Still need to pack for my Crop with my sisters!!!! Also have some more Christmas stuff to try to get done. Only 5 days before we leave!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Random Things

1. Brody learned that ham comes from pigs today after riding in the semi to Farmland with his dad.
2. Going to Wal-Mart the 2nd to last weekend before Christmas is not fun and you spend more money than you need to because no one will get out of your way and you see something you might need.
3. While getting ready to head out the door for the day I realized while putting on my son's shoes that these are his first pair of shoes, I love these shoes, they are getting too tight, and I need to scrapbook them because they mean so much to me!
4. In less than 7 days I get to go HOME for Christmas!!!!!!
5. I miss my family!!!!
6. I have SOOOOOO much to do this weekend and this coming week.
7. Husbands DO NOT understand that things need to get done.
8. Just how quiet it is when everyone is in bed by 9:00....why I am not there too?
9. That I feel like I have forgotten so much about my children growing up because it is happening too fast.
10. I CANNOT wait to see my niece and the rest of my family.
11. I get to go scrapbooking over the Christmas holiday....if I can get some supplies packed.
12. I am going to a retreat (my first) in January!!!!
13. I need to get more organized by the New Year!!!
14. Easy Cheese is really good on Ritz crackers!!!!
15. My children are amazing and I need to slow down before I miss out on anything amazing that they do!!!
16. There is probably 10 loads of laundry piled on the basement floor that WILL get washed, dried, folded, and put away tomorrow....even if it kills me!
17. Brody and I are going to make some Christmas treats tomorrow.
18. I am making this list for myself so that I do not forget these things.
19. Reminder to self: Make the journals for the boys for you don't forget anything else!!!
20. Aiden has been very crabby and not feeling well lately...I think he is cutting teeth on top of a bad cold.
21. Brody is doing better on the meds from Dr. Peralta and Aiden is good with his tubes from Dr. Wellendorf.
22. Some people are worse off than me!
23. Money DOES NOT grow on trees...even though it should.
24. Did I mention....I have ALOT to do tomorrow!!!!
25. I am getting sleepy.....GOOD NIGHT all!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Someone did not like Santa Claus this year!!!!! He was very mad that we put him in someone else's lap and that he had a hairy face. His brother was very concerned that he cried for Santa. He told everyone that he cried on Santa's lap.

Today was a very off day for me. I could not get anything done that I wanted to but managed to get alot of non-important things done....Like cleaning off the whole bookshelf, organizing all the toys, and finding recipes. Laundry is needing to be done, scrap room needs organizing, and kitchen needs cleaning.

I also am so SICK and TIRED of FEDEX....they send you a tracking email but can never seem to follow the dang thing. This is the 4th time this year that they are late getting a package to me. There customer service they really teach these people to read the same screen that I get from my tracking number....HELLO!!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Field Trips, Exhausted, and Sick Kids!!!! and TiVo...

This morning I was able to go on my 3yo's field trip for Preschool. They went to Santa's Castle which is a local attraction decorated inside with Christmas stuff, a huge train set, and of course a Santa. There were 21 kids and about 7-8 adults...all went well but the kids were tired afterwards. Now I am exhausted but I am beginning to think we may have a small bug in our house. My 1 yo was throwing up yesterday and last night but I figured it was from all the stuff draining into his tummy and then the fact that he was coughing so hard. Well now J and I do not feel so well...I just wanna go to bed! So that is where I am going to go!!!
I also wanted to say that J bought a Tivo which at first I was a little upset about but I am so glad we have it now. I can record my shows with no effort on my part and J can record his shows and it is SOOOO awesome!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holy SCrap!!!!

Okay what you just saw may "shock" you....I know I am so unorganized to say the least. I promised myself that this room would get somewhat organized by this weekend. I am getting close....just ask my family or anyone who has seen this room...oh, no one besides my family has seen it....too shocking! So THESE pictures are of it somewhat cleaned up and with ALOT of stuff gone! So almost everything in this room is scrapbooking related (atleast 95% of it anyways). And YES...the crib does get used....look in the doorway....he sleeps there every night. I do not usually have stuff piled up around his crib...I was just moving things so I could get organized...I will post some pictures after I get it all moved and organized.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


I have so many ideas running through my head about ideas for scrapping but no time to scrap or even organize my chaotic scrap room. I tried to get in there tonight and put some stuff away but was interrupted by two little monsters. They think it is fun to play with Stickles, Paper bags, and everything else they can reach. My 3yo wants to make his own Christmas cards with the Stickles...this should be fun. I was going to buy him his own Glitter Glue when we went to town but that was a trip. So I forgot the Glitter Glue and again today he reminded me that he wants to make cards. So on Tuesday when I have to go to town again I will REMEMBER to get some and he will make some cards. I think he will be my creative child...I hope anyways!!! Since I did not get a daughter maybe he will sit down and help me with projects...I am sure his dad will not mind ;) I also accomplished my goal of finding a small tree for Christmas for only $30. The kids are mad because we do not have a tree up yet and we were not going to put up our big one. For one we don't have room and we are not going to be here the whole week of Christmas. But I managed to find a 6ft Pencil tree which is really cute and so we are going to decorate it tomorrow. We were suppose to get hit with this huge amount of snow but so far we only have around 2-4 inches. I am pondering the thought of being snowed in the house all day tomorrow and maybe getting some things done like laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and picking up toys....sounds fun right!!!! I am needing to make a couple gifts for my last class on Tuesday night. Anywho.....good night all!!!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snow, snow everywhere!!!

So it seems all you need to do is make plans and it SNOWS!!! My sister, Hannah, was going to travel down here from Wisconsin to watch the boys so we could go to G&T Christmas Party...but not now. They let school out early today and it seems like we are going to get more I told Hannah to stay home. Bummer...I wanted her to come down here....oh well...I want her to be safe!!! So anyhow...we are very excited about the snow...I mean the kids are!!! I would be happy if I never saw snow again in my life...well maybe not in my life but for a very long time. I really do not mind the snow but I HATE THE COLD!!! I also don't like scooping snow at all. Although it is good exercise!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Life in General...

Where has this year gone? In January, I was sitting at home probably in my pj's holding my 4 month old baby and watching his 2 year old brother destroy the house. Now I have a 15 month old who destroys the house and a 3 year old that beats up on his little brother. To top it all off, we decided no more kids...two is enough...well I am currently having the No More Baby Blues. I know that I am happy with what I have but it is still this lingering thought at the end of the day when all is quiet and the boys...all 3...are tucked peacefully in their beds....Oh I Wish for One More Baby!!!!! Okay enough, if I keep thinking like this God will strike me and in 9 months....guess what I WILL have another baby!!! Okay knock on wood that God is busy tonight because as much as I would love another baby....oh man!!!! I am not ready for all that baby stuff....besides my little one is JUST starting to sleep through the night after 15 months. But I read a Blog post tonight that made me melt...about those Last Times...the last time your kids want to kiss you in public, the last time you get to snuggle with your kids, and all those other last times. I hope those never end....Yes, I think I might be that overbearing Mother that never wants her boys to grow up and oh, their poor wives!!!! Okay, I need to relax they are only 3 and 1 ... no wives yet! But oh my babies...Why do they HAVE to grow up?